Thursday, August 8, 2013

Call for papers

Editor-in-Chief: Rocci Luppicini, University of Otttawa, Canada
Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form)
Submission deadline extended to September 1, 2013

Special Issue on Technoethics and New Military Technologies
Guest Editor: Marcus Schulzke, State University of New York at Albany

New military technologies are transforming warfare, allowing wars to be
fought at longer distances, with greater asymmetries of risk, and at higher
speeds than ever before. Some of these technologies seem to mark radical new
directions in the way wars are fought by upsetting traditional military
roles and introducing entirely new domains of conflict. Emerging
technologies of war create many pressing ethical challenges, which call for
a serious examination of these technologies and a reexamination of existing
standards for determining the justice and morality during war.

Many of the ethical challenges associated with new military technologies
arise from how these technologies are designed. Some devices or techniques
may seem to be intrinsically unethical or intrinsically better suited to
waging just wars. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and other remote weapons
allow their operators to carry out attacks from thousands of miles away,
raising the question of whether these machines are essentially unjust or
whether their power to carry out discriminate attacks makes their use
ethically obligatory. Nonlethal weapons, cyberweapons, and nanoweapons
likewise create new problems for determining what weapons can have an
ethical use in war. Other challenges arise from how new military
technologies are employed. Technological asymmetries that give some
militaries substantial advantages over less developed opponents raise
questions about fairness between combatants and whether risk asymmetry can
be so extreme that it hinders ethical conduct. The use of advanced weapons
complicate ongoing debates about just war theory and military ethics, such
as the debate over the morality of targeted killing, by changing the way
attacks are carried out. Finally, new military technologies test the
adequacy of the moral and legal concepts that are used to make normative
sense of war. For example, new technologies and the techniques associate
with their use strain conventional standards of determining combatant and
noncombatant status by leading military personnel and civilians to play
novel roles.

This special issue of the International Journal of Technoethics on
“Technoethics and New Military Technologies” aims at exploring the many
ethical issues surrounding the design and use of the many new technologies
used to wage wars. Topics may include, but are not limited to, ethical
issues relating to:

•       Unmanned weapon systems/drones
•       Remote weapons
•       Technological asymmetries during war
•       Cyberweapons
•       Military nanotechnology
•       Electronic surveillance
•       Nonlethal weapons
•       Semi-autonomous and autonomous military robots
•       Military communications systems
•       Digital targeting systems
•       Techniques of employing new technologies
•       Targeted killing using drones and other remote weapons
•       Civil-military cooperation in developing weapons
•       Reassessing the just war tradition in light of technological developments

Submitting to the International Journal of Technoethics:
Prospective authors should note that only original and previously
unpublished articles will be considered. Interested authors must consult the
journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions prior to submission
( All article submissions will be forwarded to at
least 2 reviewers. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection
will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers. Each research
paper should be between 5,500 to 8,000 words in length.

All inquiries and submissions should be should be directed to:

Marcus Schulzke
Project on Violent Conflict
Department of Political Science
State University of New York at Albany

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