Monday, June 30, 2014

If you are Australian and want to do a PhD in military ethics:

PhD Scholarship in Military Ethics at the University of New South Wales

UNSW Canberra - located at the Australian Defence Force Academy - is offering a 3-year PhD Scholarship for a project on 'What Motivates Enlistment, and Why it Matters'.

Traditionally the military has been thought of as an institution, not unlike the Church, whose members answer a "higher calling" to sacrifice their interests, ambitions, and if need be their lives for the sake of a greater good. But according to some historians and sociologists the military now resembles an occupation, governed by market principles, where workers exchange their labour for material reward. Careerism, a fixation on building a resume for post-military employment, and an ever greater reliance on extrinsic motivational incentives are the hallmarks of what George Moskos calls the "occupational shift" in the modern military. What are the ethical implications of the occupational shift? If soldiers are employees, do familiar employee rights and labour standards apply to them? Does the occupational shift threaten to obliterate the moral distinction between national armed forces personnel and mercenaries? Are "employee warriors" more or less likely to conduct themselve!
 s in accordance with the principles of Just War Theory?  UNSW Canberra is offering a PhD Scholarship to a suitably qualified candidate interested in pursuing these and related questions.

The successful applicant, subject to admission to the PhD degree program, will be awarded a UNSW Canberra Research Training Scholarship with an annual tax-free stipend of $26,392 (2014 rate). This scholarship is for a period of 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress reviews. Applicants should hold a Masters degree or undergraduate qualification with first class honours. Please note that this scholarship is open only to Australian citizens.

For further information please contact:

Ned Dobos


Phone: +61 2 6268 6273

PO Box 7916, CANBERRA BC 2610, Australia

CRICOS Provider no. 00100G

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